Friday, 23 May 2014

Starter Clutch Problems

Starter Clutch Problems

When looking for engine parts for this model, always try using the reference number K166FML when searching on ebay and other sites. This usually produces some results.

My starter clutch jammed altogether, making impossible to start the engine via the starter motor.
Replacement of the starter clutch is made more difficult by the lack of special tools for the job.
In order to replace the starter clutch, you will need to remove the Left engine cover, then to remove the flywheel, you will need a flywheel extractor, available from this chines language site:

You will then need to go to this site: where you can oder it in English by pasting the above URL into their search box.  They will then order it for you (afer you make a payment)  and when it is in stock, you can order it for delivery (another payment.)  However it will do the job.

It is strongly advised to put a cloth under the flywheel, covering the oil hole at the bottom.  The chances are, when you get the flywheel off, loose parts will fall out and you don't want them in your gearbox.  It is a good idea to check for metal particles in the gearbox and to flush it all out to be on the safe side.

 NOTE Always scew a nut on the end of the flywheel thread, or otherwise it will look like an ice cream cone when you have finished !  It requires some serious torque to remove a flywheel as they seem to be forced on with a machine in the factory.

The starter clutch it'self can be ordered from:

Flywheel Woodruff Key
I have also had problems with a snapped Woodruff key caused by the starter clutch jamming .  The engine will not start when this happens. The correct Woodruff key for this model (which doesNOT require grinding or filing), is this one from Suzuki: UK.
Genuine Suzuki GT25EX (X7 1978-1981 Crankshaft Key 09420-04008-000

This can be found by doing a search on ebay.